In this CodeIgniter 4 tutorial, we gonna convert HTML to pdf in CodeIgniter using Mpdf.
Below are the steps to generate PDF in the CodeIgniter 4 application with the mPDF library:
Step 1: Generate your CodeIgniter application using composer.
$ composer create-project codeigniter4/appstarter ci4-mpdf
Step 2: Test the application, change the directory to the project folder, and start the development server using spark.
$ cd ci4-mpdf $ php spark serve
Now you should be able to access the application at http://localhost:8080/
Step 3: Now install the mPDF library using composer, as shown below.
$ composer require mpdf/mpdf
Step 4: Create a view file called app\Views\html_to_pdf.php in your view folder with the below sample HTML.
Welcome to CodeIgniter Welcome to CodeIgniter!
The page you are looking at is being generated dynamically by CodeIgniter.
Step 5: Let’s use the mPDF library inside your controller and convert the previous view file into a PDF file.
WriteHTML($html); $this->response->setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/pdf'); $mpdf->Output('arjun.pdf','I'); // opens in browser //$mpdf->Output('arjun.pdf','D'); // it downloads the file into the user system, with give name //return view('welcome_message'); > >
Step 6: Start and test the application
Run the following command to start the application:
$ php spark serve
Enter the following URL in the browser to convert the HTML into PDF in Codeigniter 4 application: