Entry of Passengers to Chile with Products of Plant and Animal Origin
You must DECLARE all products of plant and animal origin you are entering into Chile.
Non-compliance with the above obligation will be fined with 3 to 300 UTM (monthly tax unit).
The steps in the proceeding are:
- Fill in Customs/SAG (Agricultural and Livestock Service) Affidavit Form, which will be provided to you to at your means of transportation or when entering the country. This form will be submitted to SAG.
- Declare ALL products plant or animal products you are carrying.
- Your baggage will be inspected by SAG (by hand, visually, x-rayed and by the canine brigade (detector dogs).
- All, products will be inspected by a SAG inspector who will determine if these may enter into the country.
Products of animal or plant origin allowed to be taken into the country, previously declared by the passenger and authorized by the SAG inspector are:
Products and items of plant origin
Products and items allowed to enter the country:
- Roasted grains (e.g. coffee, cocoa)
- Frozen food (e.g. fruits, vegetables, pulses, grains and tubers)
- Pulp and juice of fruit and vegetables
- Fermented musts and alcohol.
- Vegetable oils, starches, flours, semolina and sugars.
- Cooked, sugar-coated, canned (in syrup) or containing sulphites fruits and vegetables
- Fruit and vegetable jams and preserves
- Pickled fruit and vegetables
- Expanded or crushed cereal (e.g. cornflakes)
- Roasted and salted nuts (e.g. peanuts)
- Dried and ground spices
- Tea and Mate (Paraguayan tea)
- Herbariums for scientific/educational use (without soil or seeds)
- Crafts free from seeds, natural vegetal fibers, bark, fruits and flowers, and other dried plant products (products included in the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), must be submitted with the corresponding certification).
Products and items of animal origin
Prior to bringing the products into the country, these must be DECLARED by the passenger and AUTHORIZED by the SAG inspector.
In the case of industrialized products, a SAG inspector will verify that these are in their original factory packaging, hermetically sealed and that the labeling allows identifying the content and meeting the requested conditions.
Products and items that may be entered into the country complying with the aforementioned conditions:
Products containing meat
- Canned products containing cooked boneless meat.
- Snack foods (sandwiches and packaged meals) containing cooked boneless meat or cooked meat products.
Processed Meat Products
- Industrialized and cooked cured meat and sausages.
- Industrialized and cooked ham.
- Industrialized cured ham (e.g. Serrano, Iberian, etc.) holding an official sanitary certificate from the country of origin.
Dairy Products
- Pasteurized industrial dairy (e.g. milk, cream, yoghurt, etc.)
- Industrial cheese elaborated with pasteurized milk
- Mature industrial cheese (over 60 days ripening period)
Cooked eggs
Items /crafts elaborated with the following animal products
- Tanned or finished leather.
- Dyed wool
- Dyed feathers or well cleaned and with no faecal and blood residues
- Bones, hoofs, horns and cloven hoofs, submitting an official sanitary certificate of the country of origin.
Trophies- museum pieces
- Holders of these items must submit an official sanitary certificate from the country of origin.
In the case of items/crafts, trophies and museum pieces elaborated with specimens or their parts included in the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) must submit the corresponding certification.
For more information visit: http://www.sag.cl and http://www.aduana.cl
- For chileans
- Documents
- Certificates
- Family matters
- Salvoconductos
- Social action
- Obligaciones militares
- Entry of Passengers to Chile with Products of Plant and Animal Origin
- Recepción de testimonios de víctimas de atropellos a los Derechos Humanos
- Reconocimiento de títulos académicos para chilenos
- Pasaporte y Cédula de Identidad
- For foreigners
- Obtención visas
- Legalizaciones
- Autorización a menores para viajar
- Trámites aduaneros (SAG)
- Reconocimiento de títulos académicos para extranjeros
- For companies
- Legalizaciones
- Actos de navegación
- Social security
- Solicitud de Orientación Previsional para Chilenos en el Exterior
- Solicitud de Certificado de Imposiciones IPS
- Solicitud de Informe Previsional IPS
- Solicitud de Pensión de Vejez IPS
- Solicitud de Pensión de Invalidez IPS
- Solicitud de Pensión de Viudez IPS
- Solicitud de Pensión de Sobrevivencia IPS
- Solicitud de Pensión de Orfandad IPS
- Solicitud de Asignación Familiar IPS
- Solicitud de Asignación por Muerte (o Cuota Mortuoria) IPS
- Solicitud de Saldo Insoluto IPS
- Solicitud de Seguro de Vida IPS
- Solicitud de Informar al I.P.S. Cambio de Domicilio
- Solicitud de Cambio de Titularidad IPS
- Solicitud de Cambio en la Modalidad de Pago Pensión IPS
- Certificación de Supervivencia IPS
- Solicitud de Clarificación de Pago de Beneficios IPS
- Solicitud de Informar Fallecimiento de un Pensionado IPS
- Solicitud de Pago de Pensiones Adeudadas IPS
- Deudas de Seguridad Social IPS (por Cobros Indebidos)
- Solicitud de Rectificación de Nombre ante el IPS
- Solicitud de Información Trámites Previsionales de Acuerdo a Convenio
- Solicitud de Información de Situación Previsional en Chile (Certificado emitido por la Superintendencia de Pensiones)
- Colaboración Consular en Solicitudes de Pensiones de Gracia (chilenos residentes en el exterior)
- Solicitud de Asignación por Muerte (o Cuota Mortuoria)